It is very scary when i found these sites to know whether 'my email-id is hacked and all my data is leaked online or not?'.
The first one is
1.Have I been pwned?
This site is free to use.
Just go this site and enter your email-id or user name.
And if your data is breached or your account has been hacked then you can see like this.
The first one is
1.Have I been pwned?
This site is free to use.
Just go this site and enter your email-id or user name.
And if your data is breached or your account has been hacked then you can see like this.
or if you are lucky you will see something like this.
The other site is more scary as someone can pay as less $0.76 /day to know your leaked data.
Similar to the previous one here also you can search using Email-id, username or even name and find that your online personal data is breached or not.??
The more scary part if your data is leaked some script kiddies or noob hackers can just pay $0.75/day to view your data.
So above you can see particular email-id's data is leaked online.You can also see in preview is that someone can subscribe and view the data as low as $0.76/day.
How these Sites work??? Why it is helping hackers???
First of all,these sites are not helping hackers or the site owners are not hackers.
They called themselves scavengers.They just let us know whether our personal data is leaked or not or present in search engines.
When any sites are attacked by hackers and millions of users data that is collected from there databases is uploaded on Internet these sites collect information and grab them at one place to let us know whether our data is breached or not.
Recently sites, like MySpace,Dropbox,LinkedIn,00webhost etc are hacked by hackers and millions of data is leaked online.
If your email-id is linked with these websites then it possible to hack your email-id if you use the same or related passwords.
How to be safe ???
1.Always enable 2-step Verification on your email-id if you use gmail,yahoo-mail.If your email provider does not have it then follow the remaining steps.
2.Don't use same passwords on every site you register. If you are doing this then please stop doing this. I know it is easy to remember as we use same passwords for each site.But it will help hackers. If he can hack one vulnerable site then he can use your password(which is same everywhere by the way) to hack other account of yours.
3.Always change your password at a duration of 6 months or atleast make a habit of changing in a year.
4.Keep a complex or long password.
My suggestion use proverbs like "I@mJok3r" which stands for "I am joker".